Demi Adejuyigbe is hilarious and delightful. This hour long musical comedy show is direct and wildly random at times. But its clear premise allows all of us to be hooked in immediately. From there, Demi doesn’t have to do much but be himself. His wacky, subversive and charismatic self. But does Demi want to be himself? Who is Demi, if not a performer?
Well, for a show that’s supposed to be something to hide behind, I do get a sense of who Demi might really be deep down inside. And what he is is charming. I don’t want to give much away, but let’s just say a very desirable woman plays Demi’s crush. For whom he is doing this entire show for. We’re just set dressing compared to her.
So to prove Demi is worth this woman’s time, he tries to take us through all the steps you would take to impress a woman. Immortalise an important figure. Have incredible subject knowledge of something you’re passionate about. And do. A. Backflip. But can he do a backflip? What does a backflip represent to Demi? To the audience? To humanity?!

This comedy show is very funny and yet sometimes heartfelt, which I often feel is lacking from stand up. But Demi balances the two well. This show is exactly my favorite kind of comedy - one with a sprinkling of tenderness and vulnerability. It’s also packed with music that is so catchy, I now want to see a version of ‘Ikea Monkey: The Musical’ in all its glory.
While certain sketches went on too long or at times seemed very random - ultimately, the comedy was sharp, the tech was on point, and Demi has secured a new fan in me. You can tell that Demi not only knows comedic tropes very well, but that he’s moulded them into something that works for who he is - and it’s refreshing to watch.
A good night out and a good example of engaging and relevant comedy, head on down to Soho Theatre Downstairs to get a taste - and see Demi do a super awesome unbelievably cool, ultra modern backflip!
Demi Adejuyigbe is performing at Soho Theatre until Saturday 15 February, and will perform at Fairfield Social Club, Manchester on Sunday 16 February.
★★★★☆ (4*)
Gifted tickets in return for an honest review | Photography by Josh Goldner