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The Gift | Park Theatre

The Gift, which is written by Dave Florez and directed by Adam Meggido, is an absurdly hilarious play that truly redefines what theatre can be about. The play is built around a simple, yet confusing single idea, that ultimately leads to a highly entertaining show. The premise is so out of the ordinary, that rooting the show in a recognisable reality creates a natural brilliant tension that immediately entices audiences to drop it all and focus solely on the play.

Colin (Nicholas Burns) is anonymously sent a rather strange and unexpected parcel that kick-starts a series of chaotic events, as he spirals out of control in attempt to understand the message behind this gift. With the help of his sister Lisa (Laura Haddock) and brother-in-law Brian (Alex Price), Colin pulls at every loose string, trying to connect the dots that has led to this mysterious parcel. The gift, despite it's equally hilarious and threatening appearance, eventually becomes a "blessing in disguise" as Colin reflects on his past, and decides to do and be better. Yet the journey there isn't easy, taking a rollercoaster ride through the human psychology, lending itself to amusing conclusions, philosophical rabbit holes, emotional revelations, a healthy dosage of existentialism and cathartic swearing. 

Florez has a real knack for handling such a delicate matter with excellent writing. Every word has been painstakingly put into the perfect place, allowing for the high momentum to carry the play through. Florez, a genius of a playwright like no other, has created a script that intrigues and fascinates the audience. Florez has created three very distinctive characters that are each primed to bring out the best and worst in one another, playing them against each other. Florez makes sure to always stay several steps ahead of the audience, dropping crumbs of mystery whilst dancing around the truth with a witty spirit. 

Meggido coaxes the comedy gold in the dialogue, helping it translate on stage. With every line of dialogue primed to explode on stage, Meggido utilises pauses and the space well, creating a world that draws audiences in. Although there's not a strong through plot to follow, audiences are highly invested, watching the play with the same intensity they would a high stakes match, with Audible gasps and sighs at suitable moments. 

The three actors each bring a keen tone of experience to the play, deftly bringing out the complexities in an authentic manner in this otherwise absurd play. Burns as Colin is brilliant, tackling the monumental shifts in the character with an exaggerated air. With pauses of utter disbelief and an ever increasing amount of anxiety and stress, Colin's emotional outbursts were all well performed.

Haddock as Lisa founds a neat middle ground, often stuck in the making peace between the two men. Whilst more sensible and serious than the others, Haddock's moments of mischievous glee at her brother's plight delightfully slip through. Haddock also brings a touch of serious credibility to the play with her sharp sense of loss and hope when her own relationship with her husband Brian is strained. 

Price as Brian takes the cake with his performance, injecting the already funny play with his own excellent talent for comedy, including physical comedy. Price elevates the show with endless puns, wild accusations and sarcastic commentary, bringing out the best of British humour with his dry wit, filthy jokes, endless cussing and cynicism. However, Price, during the more vulnerable moments, shines just as brightly, and proves a solid and loyal friend.  

The play unfolds in Colin's home, an open plan living room and kitchen (that is functional and well stocked). The tone of the show is often subtly echoed in the mess, or thereby lack of mess, in Colin's kitchen (Sara Perks). David Howe and Amanda Priestley (lighting and sound designer respectively), work neatly to make the set feel lived in and work in union to create an underlying sense of unease. Dan 'DJ' Johnson serves as the fight director, leading to one of the funniest on-stage brawls with surprising realism. 

The Gift manages to take a concept so ridiculously random and weave it into a tale of hope, and redemption and that's truly a talent to admire. Everything about the play shouldn't work, and yet it carves itself a spot as an awe-inspiring play that triumphantly defies the rulebook. 

The Gift plays at the Park Theatre until 1st March.

★★★★★ (5*)

Gifted tickets in return for an honest review | Photography by Rich Southgate


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