Lost Soul 2 is the sequel to Dave Kirby’s Lost Souls. The audience follows Smiggers' mid life crisis as he faces the reality that he is not as youthful as he once was. Bourne with the new sense of responsibility of being a grandparent, Smiggers deals with the topic of growing up and his relationship with his partner Donna maturing, doing so by escaping to the Soul Train for a boogie every Saturday night.
Lost Soul 2 perfectly encapsulates what a good Scouse comedy should be. Through its perfectly timed witty jokes and its 70’s disco songs, the audience is transported into the world of Smiggers, his wife Donna, his daughter Amy and their best friends Pat and Terry, as they find their way through serious relationship problems, aging and bad sex.

The relatable jokes, clearly geared towards a mature audience, are hilariously written and absolute comedic gold. The smutty jokes throughout were all done with good taste and never forced, it was a lighthearted and feel good show. There was some serious topics fluttered throughout but the absolute perfect timing of the jokes meant the show was never hitting too emotionally, reflecting the state of Smiggers. Who, throughout the show, hides from his responsibilities through his trips to Soul Train and jokes, much like the ones used to deflect the serious topics from gaining too much gravity.
The jovial atmosphere created by the good energy of the cast (Paul Duckworth, Lindzi Germain, Michael Hawkins, Jennifer Hynes, Cath Rice, Andrew Schofield and Lenny Wood) seeped through into the audience, causing audience involvement to increase and likewise, the fun.
From the creative set design (Jocelyn Meall) to the amazing performance by the cast, this show is a must watch while it’s running at the Royal Court Theatre in Liverpool.
Lost Soul 2 runs at the Royal Court until 14th September - for more information and tickets, you can follow the link here.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5*)
Gifted tickets in return for an honest review | photography by AB Photography